Yatish Headshot Circle.png

Yatish is an academic of the soul.

 he has a Phd in smiling, a masters in loving and is an undergraduate of life.

He enjoys writing as a way of connecting emotions with experiences.

What's your story?

We’re Bound To Land On Something

We’re Bound To Land On Something

It isn’t about

What we do,

But the effort

That went into it

That determines

The value of our


We can piece together


In the seemingly


Just as we

Find no use

In the things

We may know.

It isn’t about

The things we find,

But what things

Find us.

With all the searching,

We’re bound

To land



Our Journey Begins While Another May Be Ongoing

Our Journey Begins While Another May Be Ongoing

Systems Are Built On The Limitless Potential Of Their Usefulness

Systems Are Built On The Limitless Potential Of Their Usefulness