Yatish Headshot Circle.png

Yatish is an academic of the soul.

 he has a Phd in smiling, a masters in loving and is an undergraduate of life.

He enjoys writing as a way of connecting emotions with experiences.

What's your story?

Grounded Like Coffee

There's more power in this pen

Than in my



My sound has gotten hoarse.


Like a horse trying to neigh.


But nay,

Dare I say.


Today will be the day that this ink will not dry,

But cry on this page

The words I have spoken in my head,

But will never say aloud.


Because I kept telling myself it wasn't allowed.


I am so loud,

But this thought silences me in more ways than one.


I'm not shy,

But I cannot lie

That I feel like your warmth will

Fry me like those sticks

With cheese inside.


Your beautiful smile and soft hair

Makes me cry internally

Because my smile externally,


That my day



From just ok to hooray.

The way you speak with

Passion and purpose

Makes me see what it's like to live amongst beings

That be,



And love,




Not just happily,

But so tenderly,

That if I rip away the flesh,

It's an uncovered

Strength that is so boundless

That the world cannot possibly

Be keeping you grounded infinitely.


My only wish is that if I say these words,

I'm not grounded like coffee.


Try. Try. Try.
